Study with LexiCraft

When you review your vocabulary, if you wish to modify it, it’s very simple: you enter Edit mode, make your changes, and then save them. The entry in the database is instantly updated, allowing you to stay focused on your learning without having to leave the current page.

Following feedback from many users who find advertisements extremely disruptive, we have chosen to make LexiCraft an ad-free application. The free version offers full access to all features but is limited to 70 entries in the database. Take your time to explore the application and, if it meets your expectations, upgrade to the Premium version with a one-time payment of €4.79. This is not a subscription or recurring payment; once made, it is associated with your Google Play account. Thus, if you install LexiCraft on other devices using the same account, you will also benefit from the Premium version at no additional cost. This payment will also help support the ongoing development and future updates of the application.

As an example, we have included 14 words to help you get started. Feel free to modify or delete them according to your preferences.

We are confident that LexiCraft will be a valuable companion in your language learning journey, paving the way to mastering the foreign language you have chosen to study.